Tag Archives: Halo

Happy Geek Pride Day!

I didn’t even know this was a real thing until about five minutes ago, and since this is “The Geek’s Garden”, I figure I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge it in some way.  So, if you’re a geek (and if you’re reading this blog, then you probably are) then go out and celebrate our pasty, antisocial way of life.  This is the perfect excuse to play Halo all day, run a Raid marathon on WoW, start a new D&D campaign, or bury yourself in comics.  Run a Doctor Who marathon.  Go see “Pirates”… in costume.  Watch all three Lord of the Rings moves in a row.  Whatever you do to celebrate the day, make sure to associate with as many other “geeks” as possible.

Happy Geek Pride Day!  I raise my can of Mountain Dew to all of you.